Indian Wrestling Team for Asian Games 2023: Full Squad Revealed

Indian Wrestling Team Asian games 2023

Indian Wrestling Team for Asian Games 2023: Full Squad Revealed


The Indian wrestling team for the highly anticipated Asian Games 2023 has been finalized, and it comprises a talented group of athletes ready to showcase their skills on the international stage. Led by prominent wrestlers Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, and Sonam Malik, the 18-member squad is poised to make India proud. Let’s delve into the details of the Indian wrestling team for the Asian Games 2023.

1. Bajrang Punia:
  • Bajrang Punia, a world championships medalist, is a prominent figure in Indian wrestling.
  • Known for his agility and technique, Punia has consistently performed at the highest level and is expected to be a strong contender in the Asian Games.

2. Vinesh Phogat:

  • Vinesh Phogat, a trailblazer in women’s wrestling, has achieved remarkable success on the international stage.
  • With her tenacity and skill, Phogat has become a force to be reckoned with and will be a key asset for the Indian team.

3. Sonam Malik:

Sonam Malik
                        Sonam Malik
  • Sonam Malik, a rising star in Indian wrestling, has shown immense potential at a young age.
  • Having secured notable victories in her career, Malik brings a fresh perspective and determination to the team.

4. Deepak Punia, Anshu Malik, and Sarita Mor:

Deepak Punia, Anshu Malik, and Sarita
                       Deepak Punia, Anshu Malik, and Sarita Mor
  • The Indian wrestling team also includes world championships medalists Deepak Punia, Anshu Malik, and Sarita Mor.
  • These accomplished wrestlers have proven their mettle on the global stage and will add depth and experience to the squad.

5. Antim Panghal and Aman Sehrawat:

Antim Panghal and Aman Sehrawat
                          Antim Panghal and Aman Sehrawat
  • U20 world champion Antim Panghal and U23 world champion Aman Sehrawat are part of the Indian wrestling team.
  • These young talents have displayed exceptional skills and are expected to make a significant impact in their respective weight categories.

The Indian wrestling team for the Asian Games 2023 is a formidable group of athletes ready to compete against the best in the continent. Led by Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, and Sonam Malik, the team comprises a mix of experienced wrestlers and promising young talents. With their skills, determination, and the support of the nation, the Indian wrestling team aims to bring home glory from the Asian Games 2023. Let us cheer them on as they strive for success on the grand stage of international wrestling.



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